A world without computers or the internet?

That’s now unimaginable.

That’s now unimaginable.

Calendar, books, phone, TV, radio, pictures and videos: we’re used to having everything in one device, always at our disposal. The seemingly limitless possibilities. However, many people find it difficult to operate technical equipment. This is often a source of frustration and leads to devices being purchased but then not used.

My compass

A compass helps us to orient ourselves and points us in the right direction. In the same way, PC-Kompass transforms a complicated tablet into a simple and clear control centre—that anyone can easily use.

There are no hidden or seemingly useless buttons and icons. No computer skills are required. We avoid notifications and hidden functions as far as possible and ensure that the language used can be easily understood. So that the limitless possibilities can actually be seized!

Why choose PC-Kompass?

Motivated by our own experiences with relatives and our many years in the field of rehabilitation technology, we’ve long searched for a device that could prevent isolation among people with different limitations. In these digital times, we’ve unfortunately found that older people in particular have difficulties using modern technology. To change this, we set ourselves the following goals and created our own PC-Kompass to meet them:

  • Large display
  • Instant-on
  • Clean and clear interface
  • Custom button and font sizes
  • Built-in keyboard
  • Long battery life, so no need for constant charging
  • Wide variety of means of communication with family and friends—all over the world

  • Emergency alert feature
  • No monthly costs
  • Video instructions and hotline for questions